Jennifer's Story

  My educational background and knowledge of the human body is firmly rooted in the healing arts. I received my Certification in Massage Therapy in 1993 from Potomac Massage Training Institute in Washington, D.C. and worked in private practice for several years in Maryland, practicing both human massage therapy and Equine Massage. I have studied and practiced wellness and healing modalities for all of my adult life, ranging from yoga and massage therapy to studying the field of therapeutic energy psychology and mind-body based approaches to pain-relief. My ability to connect on a personal level with others originates from a deep source of empathy and compassion that I have been blessed with my entire life. 

My motto in life has always been "Never, never, never give up!" I want to share that gift of determination and optimism with you.

Call me today and see what is possible for your best life! 

All the best in health, 

Jennifer Topping